I Write about Mary Magdalene

I Write about Mary Magdalene

Films to Watch


  Ten fascinating minutes linking the discovery of Mary Magdalene's Gospel with the historic truth that women DID preach in early Christian days.  Click here.

Three minutes of the Magdala Centre beside the sea of Galillee, February 2014.  The priest thinks Mary Magdalene and Jesus both went to the synagogue there that the archeologists have discovered.  Click here.

 The Magdala centre opened in May 2014.  Meet the archeologists!  Click here.



 A most unusual church - representing the eternal feminine, in fact.  Seven minutes.  Click here.


 Cathars and Reincarnation; a full length documentary by Tony Robinson  Click here



Fourteen minutes.  The discovery of the Gnostic Gospels and their understanding of a spirituality quite different to the patriarchal Judaism from which Christianity is said to be descended.  Here.


Holy Grail, Bloodlines

  Fifteen minutes to find out; are you descended from the Gods?  Click here.

  Twenty minutes - the Templars, the Cathars, and the secrets of the Holy Grail.  Click here.

 Forty minute British documentary from November 2013; Did a Holy Bloodline exist?  Lots of interviews; fascinating to see the people whose books we have read.   Click here.


The Holy Land

A bike ride passing Magdala, summer 2013.  You could be there!  A mixture of films and stills, well-done.  Click here.


Mary Magdalene

In one brief minute a scholar tells us why she is so important.  Click here.



"How Beautiful" - a conventional Christian song, quite - er - Beautiful!  Click here.

 "Cry, Cry" - just about the most popular modern song about Mary Magdalene.  Click here.

 Goddess of the Gospels - a modern Mary M.  Here.

 Ani Williams plays and sings in the Mary Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Château.  Five minutes of haunting music in this wild mountain village.  Here.

Ani3.JPG  Ani Williams


Occitan and Medieval Culture

Twenty-five minutes with English sub-titles, of Occitan culture, music and manuscripts.  Click here.

The Land of the Cathars.  Three minutes of emotive images and music.  Click here, then book your ticket to come to Languedoc.


Sacred River

08.31a Fontaine des Amours.JPG

To see and hear it - click here!



Interesting speculation about women and Jesus after studying the Gospel of Thomas.  Here.

Fourteen incredible minutes about Mary Magdalene and the question of Jesus' resurrection, by a theologian, who changed his ideas of love for Jesus after analysing the moments when Jesus appeared to Mary beside the empty tomb.  She loved him as a man and a person, not as a God.  A "must-watch."  Click here.


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